Want to build a toned, curved, healthy body, but don't know where to start? Not sure if you want to lose weight or just build muscle for a toned look?
We've got you covered.
We have combined our two best programs into one, giving you the option to do both, at your own pace!
Our Strength and Tone 8 Week Build allows you to eat loads of good food, focus on fuelling for msucle growth and taking your muscles to the next growth level. This program is so easy to follow that you can stay on it all year if you want to!
Participants changed their body composition on this program, and some even lost body fat. And while most fat loss programs include some msucle loss, too, this one is designed to BUILD muscle WHILE losing body fat.
Then, when you are ready to show off your hard earned work, your gorgeously shaped muscles and beautifully toned physique, you have the Innerfit 8 Week Summer Shred to take you through the shred phase. This program is designed to have you eating all the yummy, family friendly foods while you shred those last kilos of body fat and flaunt your epically new, toned and healthy physique.
You will LOVE the Innerfit 16 Week Build - it can be completely tailored to suit whatever stage of your weight journey you're at - you simply choose which part of the program you need to be on and go for it!
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